Flattest course I've ever ran - only one incline which was a small hill which was near the end. Well organized, huge metals, and a good bit of fun! The weather was perfect - over cast with just a small hint of ran - and the temp of 47 - 65 degrees.
Race: Best Damn Race (I really don't like the name with 'Damn' in it)
Location: Savannah, Georgia
Bib: 225
Time: 1:54.10
Division: 55-60 (7th out of 14)
Course: Part Loop, part there and back through the city of Savannah.
Elevation: flat and fast course that starts and finishes at Forsyth Park
Weight: 210 lbs. (put on weight in the last week)
Training leading up to the race
Distance Training:
02/02/2019 - Ran 10 miles in 1:23:42 (8:22/mi)
01/28/2019 - Ran 8 miles in 1:09:03 (8:38/mi)
01/19/2019 - Ran 7.50 miles in 1:03:09 (8:25/mi)
Speed Training:
02/01/2019 - Ran 3.1 miles in 23:55 (7:43/mi)
01/25/2019 - Ran 3.1 miles in 24:25 (7:53/mi)
01/21/2019 - Ran 3.1 miles in 24:14 (7:49/mi)